VEHICLES benefit
from the CVI Accelerator device

Increase Car Performance
I had a friend who kept telling me about a product called CVI-Accelerator. He claimed that this deviceadded power and gas savings. He also praised it for the overall low price compared to most pricey car parts or devices! I was impressed! If true, this would be a wonderous thing! I was interested, because it had what I needed (saving gas and more power or torque etc.).
I talked to a CVI sales representative who gave me a wonderful deal (with a "money back" Guarantee). I'd like to talk to you (for a few minutes) about a company called Inertia Performance, LLC.. This company offers several gas savings devices. Many of these same devices also provide additional torque to any vehicle that runs on gasoline! The name of the device is the CVI-Accelerator. Under this general product title (or name) there are different types (or categories) for the devices. I'll list these different categories at the end. Now that I have your attention, I will describe my situations and reasons for purchasing this product. Like many people, I’ve purchased or at least want a gas-saving product in the hope of saving money at the gas pumps. The overwhelming problem is how do you know which, if any of these products or devices actually work?
So, taking into account the ever rising gasoline prices and the desire (or need) that almost everyone has to
save money, a number of devices have appeared on the market. They normally claim to reduce your car’s
fuel consumption. But, unlike so many of these products, the CVI-Performance device WAS and IS the
I've had the CVI-Performance on my truck for about 10-months and not only did this device meet my
expectations - it exceeded them! The F-150 was able to achieve a higher level of performance and still
obtained better mileage. On a number of occasions, it has gotten between 45-60 more miles per-tank full
(specifically on long distance trips).
Common sense and the FTC says that consumers need to be suspicious of products claiming to increase
your gas mileage whether they’re after-market devices, fuel and/or oil additives. I just purchased a CVI-Economy
for my wife’s Mazda 3. She’s loving it! So, I CAN honestly say that unlike most similar products that don't
do anything at all - the CVI-Accelerator’s products have proven to improve gas mileage while giving our vehicles
greater torque.
We give this line of products and the company an “A+”. The devices are wonderful, safe, and the cost was
reasonable. We really love them and highly recommend them to everybody.
Sincerely, Bob and Mary Shoemaker
Increase Car Performance | Gas Saving - Fuel Optimization | gas mileage improvement devices